5 Facts about Hunger in Big Sky Country That Might Surprise You

9:04 AM, Mar 26, 2019
8:27 AM, Apr 01, 2019

It’s an easy misconception to fall victim to: that hunger and starvation are problems solely in third world or developing countries. But in the United States alone, more than 50 million people struggle with hunger. Twelve million of those people are children — that means 1 in 6 children in the U.S. faces hunger. Let that sink in.

Here are some other facts about hunger that might surprise you:

  1. Hunger Exists Even in Posh Suburbs

Even in farming communities, rich cities, and pristine suburban neighborhoods, hunger exists. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to what’s happening in your town, your neighborhood, even your extended family. Families that are food insecure have limited or uncertain access to food, which can lead to health problems, for starters.

  1. The Impact of Hunger Shows Up in Surprising Ways

The effects are felt well beyond health problems. For example, children may struggle to focus at school and parents may feel extreme exhaustion and fatigue that prevents them from holding onto a steady job. It’s a vicious cycle that can extend for years if help isn’t sought or offered. Here’s where the public comes in.

  1. CHS’s Harvest for Hunger Helps Fill the Gap

Since food insecurity exists in every single county in the United States, this problem is felt everywhere, even if it’s not obvious to the average person. That’s why CHS’s annual Harvest for Hunger campaign is so important. It gets food and funds to the people who need it most. This year marks the ninth year of Harvest for Hunger, and each year they bring in more donations that go toward helping solve hunger in local communities.

  1. Matching Your Food and Monetary Donation

Every March, CHS Big Sky Cooperative accepts food, grains and monetary donations to solve food insecurity in the area. Through drives, events and even fancy fundraisers, community members can make a difference for those most at-risk in their area. Those who are food insecure are often forgotten, but CHS Big Sky wants to bring their plight to the forefront. What’s more, CHS Inc. is going the extra mile by matching local donations and giving them directly back to the local community.

  1. More Than 7.5 Million Meals

If you’re worried that your donation — monetary or food — won’t make a difference, you can dispel that thought. Since 2011, the Harvest for Hunger program has provided more than 7.5 million meals to local food shelves in the Big Sky area.

To find out more about the program or to learn how and where you can contribute grain, canned or fresh foods, or money go to CHSBigSky.com. Together we can help solve food insecurity right where we live.

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Fort Benton, MT 59442

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