This list of events is updated regularly - new events are added as we receive them, and events are removed after they occur. Click here to submit your event.
Several organizations host events regularly, or provide events listings:
- Great Falls Public Library: website
- Paris Gibson Square: website
- The Newberry: website
- Mansfield Theatre: website
- KGPR - The Electron: website
- Lively Times: website
THURSDAY MAY 2: The Iris Senior Living will host a benefit breakfast for Great Falls Public Schools Food Pantry from 7:30am until 9am at 1104 Sixth Avenue North. Join us for an "all you can eat" buffet style breakfast for $5 with all proceeds benefiting the food pantry. For more information, call Erin Doran at 406-868-4884.
FRIDAY, MAY 3: The Mansfield Theatre in Great Falls will host ABBAFab, an ABBA tribute, from 7:30pm until 9:30pm. The songs, the costumes, the voices, the entire elaborate production are so good you might think you are at a ABBA concert. Call 406-455-8514 for tickets, click here, or visit the Mansfield Ticket Office at the Civic Center.

SATURDAY, MAY 4: There will be a Community Powwow at the CMR High School gym, free and open to all. Registration 8:30am, Grand Entry 10:00am, Elder Feed 12:30pm. Vendors on site will be selling Regalia, Bead work, Ribbon Skirts, Art Work, Native Print Blankets, Handmade Quilts & Bags, Crafts. Concession will be available. Day pay for dancers /All dancers welcome. For more information, call Patty Hodson at 406-268-6669 or 406-268-6003.
SATURDAY MAY 4: The Pet Paw-see will host Cinco de Meow Meow from 4:30pm until 7:30pm at the University of Providence. This is an annual dinner fundraiser event for Pet Paw-See. Join us for a delicious buffet-style Mexican dinner along with a silent auction, raffle and 50/50 to benefit cats and kittens in need! For more information call Clarissa Hunnewell at 406-217-6816, or click here.

FRIDAY, MAY 10: Deadline for submissions to perform in Peace Place's "Center Stage" fundraiser. Solo singers compete for cash prizes. Must be at least 18 years old at time of event - June 21, 2024. To enter, submit a 1-2 minute video audition to Singers will be notified of selection on May 17, 2024. Selected singers must pay a $25 (non-refundable) registration fee by May 24, 2024. Voting will consist of both audience and judge votes. Individual singers only please, one song each. For more information, contact Gloria Braucht at 406-642-0235 or click here.
FRIDAY MAY 10: Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art will host Spotlight on The Square Exhibition Reception from 5:30pm until 7:30pm at 1400 First Avenue North in Great Falls. Spotlight on The Square focuses on the staff, art instructors, docents, and students at our museum. Works on exhibit include paintings, drawings, pottery, sculpture, and mixed media that showcase the artists' accomplishments and skill. For more information call Nicole Evans at 406-727-8255 or click here.
SATURDAY, MAY 11: Join us for Walk MS: Your Way in Great Falls from 10am until noon at West Bank Park. A one or three mile walk in honor of the Great Falls MS Community! Wear your orange and Walk MS gear to raise awareness in our community! For questions, sponsorship information, or to make an in-kind donation for the day of the event, click here, or contact a Team Captains Cody Burroughs: or Dawn Helzer:
SATURDAY MAY 11: Triumph Baptist Church will host a Rummage Sale from 9am until 3pm at 500 Second Avenue SW. Lots of household items, some tools and guy things. Lots of miscellaneous and Collectibles. Food available for purchase. For more information, call Wayne Olson at 406-750-6233.
SATURDAY MAY 11: The Hi-Line Climbing Center in Great Falls (608 First Avenue South) will host Climb For A Cause Climb-A-Thon. Bring in a donor form and climb for free. Forms can be picked up at NeighborWorks Great Falls offices at 509 First Avenue South. Each climb completed raises a dollar donation from your sponsor. Step 1: Get sponsors - Step 2: Climb your heart out! - Step 3: Collect Donations - It’s that easy. All donations go to NeighborWorks Great Falls. Upon turning in your donations you will be entered into a raffle to win a free climbing membership for the whole summer. For more information, call Brian Thompson at 406-315-1613 or click here.
SATURDAY MAY 11: The Daughters of the American Revolution Black Eagle-Assinniboine Chapter monthly meeting will be at noon at Meadow Lark Country Club (300 Country ClubBoulevard) in Great Falls. Members will be holding their 104th annual meeting and memorial service. For more information, please call Selene Thomas at 406-868-1007, or click here.
TUESDAY MAY 14: The Mansfield Center in Great Falls will host the Grizzly Scholarship Association Spring Coaches Tour from 5pm until 9pm. Doors open at 5:00pm and Dinner, Auction, and Coach's presentations begin at 6:00pm. Live and Silent Auction items available. 20 dollars at the door or at ticket locations. For more information call Dirk Cappis at 406-727-2739 or click here.
TUESDAY MAY 14: Disability Employment Conference, no charge to attend, at Great Falls College (Heritage Hall). This conference will provide information to employers on hiring, maintaining and retaining employees with disabilities. This conference is for small businesses owners, HR professionals and hiring managers. SHRM credits are available. For more information, call Cheri Reed-Anderson at 406-232-0583, or click here.
FRIDAY MAY 17: First Congregational United Church of Christ will host Zachariah Brown Senior Recital starting at 7pm. Zachariah is a 3rd generation Rachmaninoff piano student of Su Suits. He will be performing various piano pieces as well as viola and trombone. He has invited a few of his peers to also play with him. Although this is a FREE concert event donations towards his Northern Musicians Abroad trip would be greatly appreciated! Click here for more information.
SATURDAY MAY 18: Paris Gibson Education Center will host a Bike Rodeo & Safety Event from 11am until 3pm. Organized by the Uptown Optimist Club and The Optimist Club of Great Falls. Featuring Bike inspections, Bike Rodeo, Car seat safety check, Free lunch (for children 12 & under), Chance to win a bike, safety presentations. For more information, call Dena Schoolcraft at 406-750-8769.
SATURDAY MAY 18: “The Ready Set Spring” vendor show will be at the Holiday Inn (100 Fifth Street South) in Great Falls from 10am until 3pm. No admission and we will have a raffle for a basket full of wonderful items. See what all of our vendors have to offer. For more information, call Rachel Benhart at 406-403-9428.
SATURDAY MAY 25: Western Feed Corral will host a Chili Cook-off to raise money for Branches On The Spectrum, a non-profit that helps children with autism and social skill spectrum programs. The event will be from noon until 2pm at 2502 Vaughn Road. Everyone is invited, bring your special chili recipe to The Western Feed Corral and judging will start at 1pm. $10 per entry. For more information, call Tina at 406-836-2689, or click here to visit the website.
WEDNESDAY MAY 29: The town of Choteau will host an open house with FEMA and the MT DNRC from 5:30pm until 7:30pm at the Choteau Pavilion to discuss the new Flood Maps for the City of Choteau and the potential effects to your home and community from this update. For more information, call Chris Hindoien at 406-590-3031.
SATURDAY, JUNE 8: Join us for the Vintage Artisan Market at the Fergus County Fairgrounds from 9am until 4pm. A great mixture of antique, vintage, collectibles and artisan made goods. Food is available for purchase. $5.00 entry fee, grab a friend and take a drive to Lewistown for a fun filled day of shopping. For more information, call Cheryl at 406-781-9345, or click here.
SATURDAY, JUNE 15: Come enjoy the Belt PRCA Rodeo starting at 6pm at the Belt Rodeo Grounds (644 Lewis Street). Rodeo continues on Sunday at 2pm. Tickets $15 for adults; $6 ages 6-15; under 6 are free. For more information, call Dave Anderson at 406-788-4486, or click here.
SUNDAY, JUNE 16: Join us for Payton’s Run in Browning starting at 4pm. It will begin at Last Star Road #9. This is a memorial run created in honor of our boy Payton Lane Weatherwax Buckland. Payton was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma and boy did he give it one heck of a fight. In November of 2022 his little body grew tired, what once was an energetic happy little ball of energy was no longer physically able to move on his own but he still smiled and cracked jokes, his strength and love for life will live on. Come out and join us Father's Day/Payton’s Birthday weekend as we continue to do what Payton loved. Everyone is encouraged to join us! Kids ages 1-17 enter the run for FREE! For more information, call JoDon at 406-450-6130.

SATURDAY, JUNE 22: Come enjoy the Fossil Fun Fest in at the Depot Museum in Rudyard. The day-long event will feature a 3x3 kids basketball tourney; craft and food vendors; dinosaur movies; street dance; and paleontologists. Also - a new nodosaur skeleton will be unveiled. For more information, call 406-355-4356.

FRIDAY JUNE 28: Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Central Montana will host Golf Fore Kids Sake from 9am until 3:30pm at Eagle Falls Golf Club (1025 25th Street North). Shotgun start at 9 a.m. Tournament is in scramble format. Each participant leaves with a BBBS swag bag, and a chance to win from a bucket raffle, silent auction and more! Twosome team costs $275 and foursome team costs $550. For more information call Skyler Bilbrey at 406-205-0036 or click here
Do you have an upcoming event you want people to know about - a fundraiser, a holiday party for the community, etc? Let us know by clicking here. We will update this list as we get submissions.