The debate between President Biden and former President Trump in June is expected to be a pivotal moment in the 2024 campaign.
While Trump and President Biden are on the stage, the debate rules make it difficult for anyone else to join them.
Scripps News on Friday interviewed Del Bigtree, who serves as communications director for the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. campaign.
Deputy political director Joe St. George asked Bigtree if there had been any conversation with CNN about possibly allowing Kennedy to participate. A number of polls show Kennedy hovering around 10% or so with voters.
“We are in conversations with CNN,” Bigtree said.
“It appears they are trying to make it difficult, but it is not impossible,” Bigtree said. “What they are saying is they want Mr. Kennedy to be polling above 15%."

Presidential Election
Scripps News Exclusive: Trump willing to include Kennedy in debates with Biden
The other stipulation is that any participant in the debate has a viable path to 270 electoral college votes.
Kennedy is currently eligible for 201 electoral college votes, according to the RFK campaign website.
“We will easily be at 270 by the time the debate happens,” Bigtree said.
Would the Kennedy campaign consider going to court to get on the debate stage?
“Absolutely, we believe we are representing the American people right now,” Bigtree said.
You can watch more of Bigtree’s interview with Scripps News on “The Race: Weekend.”