

Facebook community page helps reunite owners and pets

Posted at 11:23 AM, Jul 11, 2018
and last updated 2018-07-11 13:23:39-04

It’s hard to come across someone who doesn’t have Facebook in this new age of smartphones and technology.

With that comes Facebook pages like the Great Falls Lost and Found Pets page, which helps pet owners reunite with their lost animals. 

The page consists of a community of over 13,000 members who work each day to reunite pets with its family. Some are back together in a day, others takes months.

“Some people have found their pet within a year, two years, and in a different state even,” said Hannah Watson, one of the page administrators.

Tiffany Frazier lost her dog and immediately posted it on the page. Less than 24 hours later, they were reunited.

“I was so happy, so happy, that somebody, a good person, found her and kept her for me and was honest,” said Frazier.

There are hundreds of other stories like that where people have seen pets walking around, snapped a photo, and posted it to the page. “Just scrolling through some of the posts, people are reunited with their pets and just the community helping out,” said Watson.

She added it’s a community that has each other’s backs.

“There’s so many good people out there. I mean, it’s just nice to know that there’s people out there that still care. I mean, it’s not even their pet that’s missing that you have all these people out there. You see people going and helping others physically look for their animal,” said Watson.

With the recent Independence Day holiday, this is one of the busiest times for shelters taking in stray animals.

On Monday, the Great Falls Animal Shelter took in almost 30 animals and the Facebook page has been inundated with other posting about their lost pets.

Mariah Shearer lost her dog, Zagg, in Ulm on July 4 around 9:30 p.m. She said he went missing at the intersection of Luebbe Road and West Ulm Road.

“My dog is my best friend and without him, I feel like I’m missing a part of me,” said Shearer. “It’s not a good feeling knowing that your loved one is out there all alone missing.”

They are offering a $1,000 reward. You can reach her at 605-759-2020 if you see Zagg.

If you’re interested in joining the Facebook page, you can here.

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