There were 253 new COVID cases reported Wednesday, December 22, 2021 in Montana, with 1,639 total active cases in the state.
There was one new death reported. The total number of Montanans who have died due to COVID is now 2,890.
The number of current hospitalizations due to COVID is 125, a decrease of two from Tuesday. The cumulative number of hospitalizations in Montana due to the virus is 10,331.
There have been 195,417 cumulative cases of COVID in Montana. The cumulative number of recoveries is now 190,888. There were 5,698 new COVID tests administered since the last DPHHS report.
About 52 percent of eligible residents are now vaccinated, with 536,006 Montanans now considered fully vaccinated. The total number of doses administered is 1,308,426. If you want to get vaccinated, contact your county health department, or click here.
The information above is from the DPHHS website and is current as of Wednesday, December 22, 2021.