BOZEMAN — Researchers at Bozeman Health Deaconess Hospital in Bozeman have been working on a possible solution in the fight against coronavirus. But now, they need participants willing to test it out.
“I’m the primary investigator at the local site here in Bozeman. There are 120 sites with the Pfizer vaccine and we are underneath the vaccine or working with Pfizer for the vaccine,” explained Andrew Gentry, a physician at Bozeman Healh.
He explained, “We’re taking almost anyone between the ages of 18 and 85. They set up a study to include as many people as possible and to get enrollment as quickly as possible because this is an urgent need for society."
You don’t have to have the virus in order to participate. In fact, there’s only one eliminating factor: “Anyone who’s on an immunosuppressive drug like chemotherapy, cancer patients. We don’t want to put them at risk of an immune response during the vaccine,” Gentry said.
You might be asking yourself: what’s the point? Well, Dr. Gentry’s got an answer for you. “The point of the study is to create a vaccine so that we can actually take our masks off and talk to each other again and convey immunity for a virus that’s kind of covering the earth right now."
The study involves six visits over two years. “Those include a blood draw where you’re going to be donating your blood, and they’ll just check for antibodies for the virus, make sure you’re immune, and the second thing is there’s an app that you download on your phone and basically it’s a single question that’s asked on a weekly basis. Have you had any symptoms? You click yes. It sends us an automatic alert then we call you.”
To learn more about the project, visit the Covid Vaccine Study website.