GREAT FALLS — Michael Neubauer lived a life in and out of prison before turning to God.
“29 years ago, I got on my knees and asked God if he was, If he was the God that all these people talk about,” said Neubauer. “Can he deliver from me for me? And he did. And he gave me life.”
Which led to him creating Branded By Fire Ministries.
“We're an outreach community that reaches out to those that are down and out, people that have kind of lost their identity as human beings and their identity in Christ,” Neubauer said. “…We're reaching out to those people trying to introduce them to Jesus and get their God given identity back, letting them know that their lot isn't always a dope vein.”
Branded By Fire has helped people find God in their lives. Take Scott Morse, who could not stay sober before finding Neubauer in 2014.
“If it wouldn't be for this ministry, with Mike's discipleship, I wouldn't be here today,” said Morse.
Which may make you wonder why they were the target of vandalism between Sunday night and Monday morning.
Two messages were spray painted on the door: 'Pro Choice' and 'F*** Jesus'.

However, the people that reported the crime worked for Planned Parenthood, whom they share a parking lot with.
“A lot of people that think we're here and we're in protest against Planned Parenthood, we're not,” Neubauer said, “We're not in protest against anyone. We have beliefs. They have beliefs. Every human being has a belief. And we're not there to refute beliefs. We're just there to represent God. And say maybe he has a better way,”
This extends to the protesters that sometimes appear on the corner of the lot.
“We know them, but we don't affiliate with them because we feel like we're not supposed to,” Neubauer said.
In fact, Neubauer feels that the two businesses work independently from one another, contrary to what many people assume.
“We hear people cuss sometimes going by, but we bless them, you know,” Neubauer said.
Planned Parenthood of Montana communications manager Mary Sullivan said: “Planned Parenthood of Montana does not support or condone the destruction of private property.”
The organization is against any and all hate, a sentiment reflected in their windows with “Hate has no home here” signs in them.
“Yeah, we're not we're not debating anything,” Neubauer said, “We just know that God's love is the power that brings attention to what's right and what's wrong, and that's that.”
As for moving on, Neubauer and his family are not people to hold grudges.
“In the Bible it says that God takes those things that were meant for destruction and turns it around for good,” Neubauer said.
“I hope that if they decide to come, the people who did this, if they decide to come here, I want them to know that they're welcome, that they are included in the community,” said Sindy Neubauer, Michael’s wife.
An unfortunate misunderstanding, on a volatile corner of town.