HELENA — Several dozen people gathered in the Capitol Rotunda in Helena on Monday to honor and remember those that served.
Wreaths Across America is a nationwide and worldwide event that honors service members and remembers those who died while serving in the military.
All 50 states and a few other countries participate in this event. While the main day of this weeklong event is on the 18th of December, the Monday of the week is when wreath ceremonies in capitol buildings are held throughout the country.
The 18th is traditionally when wreaths are placed upon the graves of fallen service members.
The event at the capitol was Jane Hamman of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Oro Fino chapter. She’s been heading up the event for the past 10 years.
Hamman says that the wreath symbolizes life eternal and allows us to take a moment to remember those who have sacrificed so much.
“The wreath is a living, breathing symbol of life eternal and it gives us an opportunity to remember all of those who have sacrificed,” says Hamman.
On Saturday, December 18, at 10:00 am, Wreaths Across America will be at Montana State Veterans Cemetery. More information can be found here.