

Roger Allen Henderson

February 24, 1975 - December 14, 2021
Roger Allen Henderson
February 24, 1975 - December 14, 2021
and last updated

Roger Allen Henderson "OG", 46, of Sun Prairie passed away in the early morning hours of Dec. 14th, 2021.

OG was born Feb. 24th, 1975 to Roger D. Clark and Deborah Henderson. He grew up and attended school in Great Falls, although hard work was more his thing. He started out as a lumper (mover) at United in Great Falls. He worked with them for many years then went to Hi-Line after that. His hard work and dedication helped change the moving industry. He worked his way up the line proving with hard work you could do just fine. He wasn't joking when he told you he was the best at what he does.

In 2009, he married Sarah Sodergren, together they welcomed two children, first Jesse, then Jordan. They became his life. He and Sarah later divorced.

OG never remarried, but he found a special friend. For many years he and Tabitha saw each other on and off then on again. No matter what happened each time it didn't work, they remained very close and friends until the very end.

Roger, thank you for loving me and my children (Jasper and Samarra) like only you could do. Thank you for always being a gentleman through and through. All these years of working through old scars, not once did you ever raise your voice, cuss or disrespect me in any way. Thank you for hanging out with me the last time just a few days ago, I am glad you hugged me and our last spoken words were I love you, and I love you too....

If OG wasnt hangin out with his "little monsters" he was definitely talking about them. Telling anyone that was near how much he loved his babies and how perfect they both are. Everything he did for them was over the top, he always was trying to make sure they knew just how much he loved them.

Roger (because this a serious part, his given name) made it a point to instill good morals and ethics in Jesse and Jordan. He wanted to separate them from the stigma and judgment of their last name. He taught them to be kind and most importantly to stick together, so they always had each other.

If ever you needed anything, all you had to do was ask. He would do anything for anyone and be happy to do it too. He loved inbetween all that to watch movies usually anything Marvel or DC. He loved to draw and color it was his escape from troubling times. He loved to jam to music, those were his healing times. If he wanted you to check a certain song out, he generally was speaking to you in his own way.

I personally am going to miss your voice, I absolutely loved hearing you speak. It saddens me I will never hear "your sweetness" ever again.

Roger was preceeded in death by his father. He is survived by his biological family, with a special acknowledgment to Aunt Jo, whom he loved and respected very much. Most importantly he is survived by his children Jesse and Jordan. He also is survived by Tabitha his "pretty lady," Jasper and Samarra. His "brother" Shaun St. Germain ( Kayla, Shayla, Koda and Jon) Bill, Red (Shawn Ingram and family) Mike, Robin, Casey and family. His United and Hi-line friends and many many more. All the people he adopted as as his "family" we love and miss you OG!